Technology, Marketing and Advertising

DKPlus Web Solutions provides powerful and effective solutions to organizations looking to fill business gaps in the fields of Advertising, Marketing and Information Technology.  

Content and Technical Writers
Digital Marketing
Computer Programmers
Mobile Application Developers


Our awesome partners whom we have pleasure to work with!


We need to earn extra sometimes!

Accounting and Year-End and Other Compliance Services

Our Sponsor, AAT Management Consulting provides Accounting and Audit Services, Government Compliance

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Human Resources Management, Recruitment and Staff Management

No Human Resources Team, no problem, We can take care of recruiting and onboarding for your company. Further we can also host your employees in the Philippines under our Legal Company - AAT Management Consulting

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Outsourced Finance and Accounting Staff

When looking for accounting staff, managers or directors to work for your company, our Accounting Firm is here to help - AAT Management Consulting

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